Thursday, June 14, 2012


Today's post is all about the most important meal of the day...BREAKFAST! 

It has been proven that making eating breakfast a habit is essential in helping with weight loss! Without eating breakfast, you are more hungry later in the day which usually causes you to eat more snacks or larger portions at lunch and dinner. People don't realize, you don't eat while you sleep at night (obviously) so by skipping breakfast, you are starving your body for anywhere from 12-15 hours, not good!! I hear the excuse of people not having enough time in the mornings to eat a healthy breakfast and my suggestion to that is to wake up 10-15 minutes earlier, if you are committed to get in shape, it should be worth it! And as you get more in shape, getting up earlier will become easier!

Eating breakfast is very important HOWEVER you do not want to eat foods high in sugar, calories or fat in the morning (doughnuts,sugary cereals, pop-tarts, bagels etc) Another thing most people don't realize is that you need to avoid sugary juices in the morning. Most fruit juices contain a lot of sugar! This includes both apple AND orange juice, not saying to never drink orange juice but it is not good to constantly drink for someone who is trying to lose weight.

Here is a list of my suggestions for a good, healthy breakfast that I like to eat :)
OATMEAL! (definitely my favorite!)
Greek Yogurt
V8 (regular/splash/fusion)
Bolthouse farm juices
Whole grain cereals (Cheerios, Raisin brain, Honey bunches of oats, Special K etc) with
low fat/rice milk/silk milk
Whole grain toast with peanut butter (NOT recommend for every day, although peanut butter is a good source of protein, it is also high in calories)
Fresh fruit
Eggs (a couple times a week, ideally without the yolk)

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